El Ojo Reclaimed Wood and Seed Bead

El Ojo Reclaimed Wood and Seed Bead
El Ojo reclaimed wood and seed bead earrings are set on handmade sterling silver 20 gauge hoops. These seed beads are matte delica in black, ivory, forest green, slate blue, red/orange and terra cotta. The El Ojo de Dios symbol is a removable dangle made of old growth reclaimed USA vintage barn wood on a sterling silver jump ring.
These earrings are homage to the God’s eye crafts of my youth. The best part was choosing yarn colors to wrap around popsicle sticks! Who remembers this? (The time when I knew how to enjoy art for art’s sake!)
For the descendents of Natives and Spaniards of New Mexico this symbol at its most basic is one of protection. El Ojo de Dios was originated with the Huichol of Mexico. The center is said to represent the sun and the power to see and understand. The four stick ends represent the elements (Earth, air, fire and water).
As Spanish Catholicism took over nature based Native worship, this symbol began to represent Catholic symbols of Jesus and the cross. Even so it’s root symbolism of protection remains.
The wooden dangle will slip off and is meant to be removable to allow for different looks.